Category: Meme

  • Design, It’s People!

    Design, It’s People!

    I created this pop culture reference for my Config talk and I’ve used it in a few presentations since then. This scene, where Phil Hartman plays an over-dramatized Charlton Heston, is from a Saturday Night Live parody of the cult classic film, Soylent Green. Set in the year 2022 (!!), Soylent Green (1973) is a…

  • I’m Getting Older and Becoming More Like C-3PO

    I’m Getting Older and Becoming More Like C-3PO

    Reminder: Get Your Tetanus Booster I think I’m becoming more neurotic as I get older. I’ve never identified with the galaxy-far-far-away’s best known worrisome robot, C-3PO. But as I am getting older, I can understand his neurosis. A little over three weeks ago, I flew to San Francisco to escape the poor air quality from…

  • Working Together: Preventing The Homer Car Through Collaboration

    Working Together: Preventing The Homer Car Through Collaboration

    I have an analogy to explain what happens when a user tries to solve a problem on their own without assistance. It’s The Homer Car. What is The Homer Car, you ask? This is The Homer Car: The Homer Car is from an episode of The Simpsons titled, “Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?” (Season 2,…

  • I Updated a Favorite Meme

    I Updated a Favorite Meme

    When I joined my very first San Francisco Bay Area startup as an early designer, I was immersed in the world of product design. It was 2010. Here I was, new to the world of product design – fresh, eager, drinking the Kool-Aid, and working alongside my fellow designers. We were a solid team, united…